In Indonesia, tourism is one of the important components, especially for economic development. Nature and culture are major components of Indonesian tourism industry. The natural heritage can boast a unique combination of a tropical climate, a vast archipelago of more than 17.500 islands, and the third longest shoreline in the world after Canada and European Union. Tourism in Indonesia is handled by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. The integration of cultural affairs and tourism under the scope of the same ministry shows that cultural tourism is considered an integral part of Indonesian tourism industry, and conversely. It is used to promote and preserve the cultural heritage.
Tourism in Indonesia is being developed through two main programs, covering tourism objects and tourism products. The tourism objects are the interesting places where can be visited by the visitors, such as museums, art galleries, malls, heritage buildings, parks, and etc. The tourism products are the interesting shows which can be enjoyed by the visitors, such as culture festival, traditional dance, wayang show, ludruk show, and other traditional art performances. There are five supporting programs, they are control of environment pollution and education; training and tourism guidance; tourism research and development; tourism infrastructure development; and the supervision and development of arts and culture. Tourism objects and tourism products are being introduced to the Indonesian people to promote domestic tourism. Group tourist awareness has been established as moving spirit for tourist attraction to promote the Indonesian tourism.
The purpose of those programs is to increase the number of tourists in Indonesia. The tourists can enjoy the beautiful tourism objects, culture and the Indonesian culinary. The tourists also get the best service from the tourist guide who gives a lot of information to the tourists. That is why every city also has the information of tourism center. It is a place for visitors to ask some information about the city they visit. Every tourism service institution will give their best service to get the satisfactory of the visitors. And every city has their own way to promote their city to the tourists.
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